Saturday, May 21, 2011


Drinking LOTS of water and getting enough sleep is VERY important to your health and for your skin. Water doesn't only keep you hydrated but it also can improve your complexion and brighten your eyes. Sleep I think is obvious, getting enough sleep (not to little, not to much) can just make you look awake and fresh. If you are tired and haven't gotten enough sleep you can get dark circles under the eyes. Fresh air is also very good, getting outside of the City and just sitting there is good for your health and it's relaxing. Pretty much anything that is good for your health will show up in your skin and hair, it is worth being healthy because then you look healthy fresh and clean. I am not the healthiest person ever, but I try... kinda. I could try harder, and some day I will. I guess this blog is a reminder to me that I have to drink more water and get an even amount of sleep every night. Don't forget to exercise, take a 30 minute fast walk around with your dog, run if you want, but if you haven't ran in a long time you should start with a fast walk and then go faster every week. Get your body used to it again.

Enhance Your Beauty, Don't Cover It.

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