Monday, September 19, 2011

looking good sick

well, looking good while you arent feeling good is hard.
I had a cold when I wrote this and my tips are

dress in something comfertable, but still cute. like. I have Lulu Lemon pants on a black tank top and a clear peach shirt on.

makeup. Dont over load. if your eyes are running and your sniffling and blowing your nose its not good to over load on makeup. I think just the usual concealer and founation. then just put your concealer in your bag when you have to touch up your nose after using a tissue. and have a very light blush, your cheeks might already be red and showing through the fountation. your eyes. well. this is that part that looks most sick. tired and sometimes the eye ball is red... well... obviously try to cover the dark circles. then white or peach on the water line light brown on the crease nothing bold. a high light colour on the iner corners to make you look more awake. maybe a little bit of purple on the outer corner line. curl your lashes and light mascara. not to heavy.

keep your self looking natural. Dont have your makeup to bold. people will notice that your not feeling so good. Just remember. less is more.

if your going out. clear your nose. take an advil to clear your head. drink some camomile tea with honey and your set. if your a person that likes eye drops then maybe use them... :)

but seriously. keep thinks natual and simple when your not feeling good.

Enhance Your Beauty, Don't Cover It.

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