Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Nail Painting

I took Cosmetology in high school. and I have to say I got really bored in my 4th year taking it. it was like learning the same thing over again and I knew more then they were telling me, so I didnt go to class anymore... bad. dont do that.

but, something I think of everytime I paint nails is the way to make it easier. :)

So, when you are painting nails people seem to get it all over there fingers and it is because of a lack of control. I am still not great at painting my right hand. but I am getting better.

so when start start with the pinky and move to the thumb, prevents you from making dents.
when you lay the brush on the nail lay it maybe a milimeter away from the cuticle and THEN push the brush to the cuticle and then back... if that makes sense?? but this gives you more control and your dont get the polish all over your fingers. :)

when you are done painting your nails take a q-tip and dip it in nail polish remover and just gently go around your nails. VERY gently!! again, this gives you control and less mistakes happen. and start with the pinky and work your way to the thumb.

Enhance Your Beauty, Don't Cover It.

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