Saturday, August 20, 2011

Clean Face

It is VERY important to krrp your face clean. taking off all makeup and rinsing your face after the day even if you dont wear makeup. washing your face is very important. and protecting it. use a moisturizer to keep your face from getting dry. where I come from it is very dry so i had to use a god moisturizer, but now i am in a place where it is VERY humid and I dont need to use as much moisturizer, but it is still important to use it. Sun screen is VERY impotant. keeping your face protected from the sun will protect it from aging faster. makeup with SPF is better then nothing, but underneith there should always be something stronger that will last longer. washing your face before you go to bed is very important becasue it takes off all makeup and durt form your face. and in the morning cleaning you face is important because you will be starting with a clean base and take off any creams from the night. if you dont wear makeup it is even better to wash your face in the middle of the day. but the ideal way to have nice clear skin is to eat healthy. not just healthy, but to have an even diet. make sure you are drinking water. you need to be hydrated. and will make you feel less tired and even make you look less tired. veggies are very important and fruits. and meat and grains. Dairy I am not 100% sure about. I dont think having milk from an animal is very healthy. I am sure dairy is healthy in a way, but humans I believe, arent meant to drink milk from a cow. humans are meant to drink human milk... i mean... isnt that why women produce milk when they are or have a baby?? and then after breast feeding your not supposed to drink milk any more. that goes for yogurt and cheese as well. but I am not a food or health expert. I am just writing what I know. and it is true. you are what you eat. you eat healthy your skin will show it. you can apply all the products you want on your face, but it wont help if things inside arent taken care of.
Just remember. Keep your body healthy and clean and you will see differences. and nothing happens over night. be patient.

Enhance Your Beauty, Dont Cover It.

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