Tuesday, June 7, 2011



This blog is going to be about a Lush pedicure. :) I love doing these to my mom... I know, weird, but it is wonderful.

Since my mom has a lot of callus on her feet I have to use a foot paddle... but here is step by step on how I do a pedicure at home.

0. Optional: Use the Volcano Foot Mask ($20.95) before starting any other procedure. Volcano Foot Mask prepares the feet and drags out any dirt or toxins. Of course I did it on my mom so she goes and washers her feet in the shower, but for a client you might want a bowl of warm water and a face cloth to wipe the mask off. When you apply the mask massage it on, and when you take it off massage it off.

1. Warm water in a clean LARGE bowl (remember when the feet are in the bowl of water the water will rise, so don't fill the bowl TOO much). Make sure it is a comfortable heat for the client and break off a piece of Stepping Stone (This helps relax the clients feet ($3.95)) and put it in the warm water. put the clients feet in the bowl of water and let them soak for a little bit.
2. After a minute of soaking take off any polish and put the feet back in the water.
3. If the client has a lot of callus build up use a foot paddle (that you can purchase from pretty much any drug store) and scrub their feet to remove callus, try to remove as much as you can, and don't take to much skin off it could harm your client, use the rough side and smooth out the skin with the smoother side of the foot paddle.
4. Rotate feet when using the foot paddle. (I did my moms left foot and then put her foot back in the water and scrubbed her right foot and did it over one more time)
5. Use Ocean Salt on wet feet (Large jar $30.95, small jar $18.95), this removes extra skin and just feels good on the feet. Rub Ocean Salt all over the foot (top and bottom) and try to focus on the tough parts of the foot, for example the heel of the foot.
6. Rinse off Ocean Salt in either a clean bowl of water or the same bowl that was being used earlier.
7. Bring a foot out again and use Sugar Babe on damp feet ($4.95) and rub all over the foot again, massage the bottom of the feet while you rub. This is a finer texture then Ocean Salt and will get more of the skin off and smooth out the skin. Just remember that Sugar Babe is sticky.
8. Rinse the scrub and pull both feet out and dry.
9. When the feet are dry use Fair Trade Foot Lotion ($21.95) and massage it into the feet and thighs and continue massaging into the skin. (It is hard to describe a massage but...)
10. When you massage the feet and legs start massaging the thighs, massage towards the heart, it gets the blood flowing. I usually focus on the heels of the feet because they are usually very tough and hard. Then I go to the big toe and do everything in between. I massage for probably 10-20 minutes.
11. After most of the lotion has been absorbed into the feet put on Lemony Flutter($14.95) on the Heels and other tough parts on the foot.
12. Pied De Pepper Foot Lotion ($15.95) is the last lotion I put on the feet. I only put this on the feet and I finish the massage with it. make sure you are finishing the massage calmly. at first you want to start the massage slow and go faster and then wind back down so the client feels like they have had a good calming massage and treatment. You want the client to be fully relaxed.
13. Optional: Use Ultrabalm ($12.95) on the tough parts of the feet and any crack on the feet that couldn't be scrubbed off.
14. use a dusting powder. I do not have T for Toes ($10.95) so I used Vanilla Puff Powder ($11.95) to set the lotion. It also makes it soft and not so oily.
15. If the client would like painted toes, remember to wipe off any lotion from the nails or the paint would not stay.

There is my version of a home foot massage/pedicure using Lush products. May be a little pricey, but 100% worth it! My mom is LOVING her feet. She gets really bad callus and I would like to do her feet about every 3-5 days just to get them nice and soft and not cracked anymore, but I don't have time and she doesn't have time... so it is a little bit hard... :)

Enhance Your Beauty, Don't Cover It.

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