Thursday, June 9, 2011

... facials...

So... This is going to be about making your own skin care products. these are fresh products and should only be used once or twice in the first 3 days they are made or they go bad. I am doing this because I know if men are reading this and they think it is stupid, but they want to know how to take care of their face without the embarrassment of purchasing products they can just make their own... if that makes sense... :)

Some basic things are just researching what is good for your face, but obviously your reading this so you don't have to.

If you are looking for a lip scrub that doesn't cost very much, MAKE ONE!!! use brown sugar, olive oil and I mix in vitamin E oil. mix it together and just scrub your lips to get the dead skin off and to smooth out your lips. I suggest not storing this. after using a lip scrub make sure you have a lip chap with you, or use olive oil, or vitamin E oil.

before you start using cleansers and exfoliators etc. Make sure that there is no makeup on the face.

For a homemade exfoliator you can pretty much do anything. You can mix some sea salt with olive oil, sea salt with mashed avocado, oat meal and plain yogurt, oat meal and honey, sea salt and honey, sea salt and lemon, although lemon is runny, so maybe mix lemon with yogurt or something. make sure any fresh food you use is organic. mashed bananas, rub on the face and rinse. Sugar and olive oil.... it also depends on your skin type. for example, I have oily skin so I think I would use honey, saly and lemon, yogurt and oatmeal...

For a cleanser, you want something softer. more relaxing. Cucumber is always food for the face and eyes. mash up cucumber and maybe some honey mixed in and rub on your face, rinse off. there you go, :) Avocado is great for the skin, again mash, mix with some olive oil, lemon, maybe a mashed banana. if You can get your hands on some fresh lavender mash it up and use it on your face, lavender is very relaxing and calms redness. seaweed. you can use the seaweed from your left over sushi. and just rub it on your face how it is. There are so many things you can do with natural food.

toner. I like using green tea and vitamin E oil. I warm up the green tea and mix in the Vit. E as much as I can, it usually sticks to the top... and use a cotton pad and rub it on my face. it gets any extra dirt off and it feels nice. you can freeze this mixture in an ice cube tray and have toner cubes. just remember when it is a little bit frozen you have to stick tooth picks in it so you can easily take the green tea cube out and put the tray back in the freezer. organic rice water is good for calming the face.

you can't forget to moisterize!!! This is a VERY important step, even if your don't do any of the above things, you should be moisturizing every day. I live in Alberta. it is a very dry climate and people should be moisturizing every day. I don't know very much about moisturizing with organic products, but I know that egg yolk is good. you might want to rinse it off after a minute and dab to dry, don't wipe. I read that peach's are a good moisturizer. honey, olive oil... after I moisturize before bed I put vitamin E oil around my eyes first and what ever is left all over my face. and sleep with it. I have seen a huge improvement on my face. I try not to sleep with makeup, but sometimes I get really lazy and I do sleep with it... bad... I know...

I forgot I have a recipe for an exfoliator. I use aspirin. I get 3 aspirin pills without the weird plastic coat on them, and I wet them a little bit and wait until they turn into mush kinda... when the pill separates or whatever. and then honey and vitamin E and I just rub it on my face and rinse off.

for around your eyes. Cucumber is truly good for the eyes. if you are relaxing in bed or something put cucumber slices over your eyes, Vitamin E. You will look greasy using vit. E, and it might be annoying that I say to use it with everything, but it is good. trust me. :) especially if you are worried about wrinkles and fine lines.

it is better to start taking care of your skin when you are young then when you are older. when your older the damage is done and it could be hard to repair. don't go over board with washing your face. use different products and recipes so your skin doesn't become immune. exfoliate maybe 2-3 times a week. use a mask maybe once a week. cleanse tone at least once a day. twice is better for toning. moisturize at lest once a day. twice is better. Try to clean your face 2-3 times a day. once when you wake up... get the tired off your face. :) It gets the stuff from the night before off your face. if you can do it in the middle of your day... but what women wants to do her makeup 2 times a day?? :) so then wash your face again before bed. In the morning I just use a toner and a moisturizer, sometimes I cleanse. at night I take my make up off. twice. I have to take off my makeup once and my skin seems to just soak up makeup, so I wash it again. very annoying. and then I tone, then I moisturize, then I use my vitamin E. if I was to totally do EVERYTHING. I would... wake up. wash my face in the shower, cleanse. tone. moisturize. and if I didn't wear makeup I would tone again and moisturize again in the middle of the day. and then at night I would exfoliate, use a mask, cleanse, tone, moisturize, vitamin E. sleep. maybe with the mask I would use cucumber.

I am sorry this is rambley, but people do things different. and if you are looking for maybe a cheap way to clean your face, just use the product in your own home.

Enhance Your Beauty, Don't Cover It.

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