Dandruff Shampoo from, of course, Lush.
UNBELIEVABLY AMAZING! I get an irritated scalp A LOT!! and I have tried like EVERY shampoo for it, I have tried washing my hair less, like waiting 3 days and using less shampoo. nothing. and this week my head was SO SO SO bad I had to get my mom to check for lice (I don't have it I promise) but it was SO awful and my mom says I was scratching so much that my head was bleeding. NOT GOOD!!!!!! So I HAD to go to Lush for their Dandruff shampoo, I used it last night and WOW! My head is still a little itchy, but OMGOODNESS!!!!! I LOVE this shampoo, and it lathers SO much, I did not know that. It is a solid bar of shampoo, so you just rub it on your head then use your hands to lather and get it all over, well... I guess I rubbed it on my head too much because I had A LOT of soap in my hair. The only negative part is the smell. the smell is NASTY!!!! like a yucky fire. like NASTY! but I don't care anymore, because I can not handle having an irritated head anymore! but if you have dandruff or an itchy head you NEED this shampoo bar! It is $9.95 and it looks small and it smells bad, but the lady there said it would last aprox. 50-60ish washes, and it is amazing!!! I got 2 because I really need them! make sure you have a good smelling conditioner because you don't want this smell in your hair all day.
Enhance Your Beauty, Don't Cover It.
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